When the large crowd … heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, they took the branches of the palm trees … and began shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord.

John 12:12-13 NASB

Eager with anticipation, the crowds greeted Jesus as He approached Jerusalem, shouting loud praises! He had done amazing things, most recently raising Lazarus from the dead. This was a moment of celebration. It could have seemed like a great triumph for Jesus. But He understood what really was taking place and what really was important.

During the feast that would be taking place in Jerusalem, Jesus was approached by some Greeks. His words might have surprised them. He did not talk like a conqueror or king. He did not speak about power, overthrowing Roman rule, or building a movement. Instead, He spoke about being a servant. Instead of talking about life, He talked about death.

He had committed everything to doing the Father’s will and completing His work – even if this meant death. If these Greeks wanted to bear much fruit, they, too, needed to commit everything to serve God. They needed to obey Him without reservation, no matter the cost and to understand that He honors servants and rewards those who give up everything to serve Him.

We are reminded of these truths today, on this Palm Sunday. This day reminds us of the importance of praising Jesus and committing everything to follow Him. Always seek first God’s Kingdom. Be a servant. Focus on serving God. Fill your life with praise and worship. Seek to be a living sacrifice, pleasing to Him.


Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for being my example. I commit my life to You. I delight to serve You. In Your name, amen.

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