Hide me from the secret plots of the wicked … they talk of laying snares secretly … God shall shoot at them with an arrow … He will make them stumble over their own tongue … All men … shall declare the work of God.
Psalm 64:2, 5, 7-9 NKJV
David had been the victim of secret plots and wounded by words spoken from deceptive hearts. He had been deceived by men who promised to act honorably but who were preparing to trap him.
As David discovered, some people make a habit of acting in secretive ways. They feel that this secrecy allows them to mask their true motivations and makes it easier to deceive and fool others. This willingness to be secretive can lead to a lifetime of engaging in gossip, spreading rumors, lying, and deceiving.
As believers, we can feel vulnerable to these types of secretive plots. They can fill us with fear and uncertainty. Others may plot against us, but, as David learned, we always can trust God. We can be confident that He knows the “secret plots of the wicked.” We can know for sure that He will take care of us and defend us.
At the same time, we can be tempted to engage in secretive actions ourselves against others. We are often tempted to be like the world around us. But God calls us to be different. We are not to be deceptive, but rather transparent and honest. We must keep our promises and always act with integrity.
Today, seek to live in the light before God. Seek to have a pure heart. Make a practice of telling the truth. Be faithful and trustworthy.
Father, shine Your light on me. Help me to be pleasing to You. May my life have an impact on Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.