Church Ministries, Organizations and Auxiliaries are the ministries at Greenview First Baptist Church. These Ministries are here to meet the needs of the congregation as a whole, small group within the congregation and the community. Our ministries provide wonderful opportunities for volunteering, opportunities to fellowship with people who share the same or similar experiences as you and opportunities for you to grow in faith and service to Christ. As you continue to browse, you are encouraged to join a group(s) of interest. If you don’t see what you are looking for, contact the chairperson of the Deacon Ministry.
Check out the different ministries below…
Official Board
The Official Board consists of the pastor and the Deacons of Greenview First Baptist.
Deacon Ministry
The Greenview First Baptist Church Deacon Ministry and membership was established by the constitution of the church based on the qualifications found in Timothy 3:8-13. The ministry strives to support the mission and vision of the church through leadership, daily prayer, personal Bible devotion, Sunday School, Bible Study, devotional services, and supporting youth development activities.
The Ministry further carries out the commandments that our Lord Savior Jesus Christ gave us all when He stated; “You be my witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
The Deacon Ministry also promotes Christian fellowship and the continuous spiritual growth of the entire church family; whereas, each church member is placed into a ward based on geographical location over seen by a Deacon.
Trustees Ministry
The Trustee board of Greenview First Baptist Church was set up by the constitution of the church. The members are responsible for all finances of the church, the upkeep of all properties old and new. In addition, they are responsible for the purchases of all church items and to oversee all major projects aground the church, which includes new constructions, any reinventions, repairs, and maintenance. Responsibilities include opening and Securing all church buildings, properties, and rental information.
Missionary Ministry
The purpose of the Missionary Ministry is to enlist and to direct the religious energies of all the women of the church into definite lines of church work.
Membership is open to all women in the church. The Ministry is divided into eight active circles in all ranges of age, Acteens, BYWC, Andrena Frierson, Circle #1, Rebecca Randolph and Willing Workers. There are numerous committees made up of members from each circle that work in different areas of the church and in the community.
The general meeting of the Missionary Society is held every 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm.
Deaconess Ministry
The purpose of the Deaconess Ministry is to lend support to the Pastor, the Official Board and the members of the Greenview First Baptist Church. Membership is limited to wives and widows of ministers and deacons.
Youth Ministry
The purpose of the Youth Ministry is to provide youth with guidance in understanding the full meaning of church membership and Christian discipleship.
Planning Committee
The purpose of the planning committee is to plan and evaluate the work of the church. Membership includes elected officers of the church, the presidents of the auxiliaries, boards and committees and a chairperson elected by the church.
Brotherhood Ministry
The purpose of the Brotherhood Ministry is to assist the church in its task of leading men to a deeper commitment to mission; to a more meaningful prayer life for mission; to a larger stewardship on behalf of mission; and to a personal involvement in mission.
The Brotherhood is open to all men of the church age 16 and above. The ministry meets each Monday following the third Sunday at 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm
Pulpit Aid Ministry
The purpose of the Pulpit Aid Ministry is to assist the pastor in carrying out the secular needs of the church.
Seniors Ministry
The purpose of the Senior Citizens ministry is to promote the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of the senior citizens in our church family and to develop and implement strategies to meet their special needs. They conduct a needs assessment among senior citizens in the church, collaborate with other agencies to meet the special needs and coordinate activities our elderly members, promote opportunities and benefits for seniors in general through lobbying and other advocacy activities, visit, pray for and contact seniors and provide transportation where feasible to promote intergenerational activities to foster appreciation for seniors and strengthen family bonds.
Benevolence Ministry
The purpose of the Benevolence Ministry is to address the needs of church and community as they make personal requests for assistance. Ministry membership consists of volunteer parishioners. The members meet regularly to address written request for assistance and they make appropriate responses to identified needs.
Hospitality Ministry
The purpose of the ministry is to extend a warm welcome to all who enter our doors, to always be courteous, polite, receptive, approachable and friendly beyond the call of duty.
Single and Single Again
The purpose of this ministry is to provide a Christian support group for single, separated, divorced, and widowed individuals.
Members provide fellowship among single and single again individuals through monthly Bible study, prayer meetings and other activities as appropriate. They also provide spiritual and personal guidance through seminars, workshops and similar activities.
Couples Ministry
The purpose of the ministry is to provide a support group to enhance the relationship between couples and their relationship with God.
Members provide a venue to couples to flourish in God’s word, promote Christian fellowship with other couples and generate activities to bring couples together
Nurses Ministry
The purpose of this ministry seeks to inform and educate members about the health issues that concern our community. The Nurses’ ministry meets the first Tuesday of every other month at 6:00 pm. Members are present during each service to provide any as needed assistance. They also make themselves available to provide information during seminars and educational sessions and members provide regularly schedules health screenings at the church
Drama Ministry
The goal of the ministry is to communicate God’s truth through a variety of art forms such as Drama, Writing, Poetry, Art and Music. Members are asked to join the cast and crew of plays as they are offered. Members use their spiritual gifts of drama and creativity to open the hearts within us as well as draw the congregation closer through richer fellowship and laughter.
Media Ministry
The Greenview First Baptist Church Tape Ministry seeks to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the use of multi-media platforms to include tapes, CD’s, video presentations and web-based platforms. The members provide a community outreach by recording the pastor’s message of the regular morning service and making them available for our worshippers and friends who cannot attend a church service. This group also post services, events and activities through our web-based platforms, Facebook and YouTube .
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
The purpose of the ministry is to worship and serve God according to his word. We are best equipped to weather the storms of life when God is our inner strength with Bible Study being the answer.
Praise Dancers
The purpose of the Praise Dancers is to provide an avenue for the young men and women of Greenview to worship the Lord with dance and movement. This group performs during services and events and represents Greenview First Baptist during competitions.
Kitchen Ministry
The purpose of the Kitchen Ministry is to provide the members of Greenview Church and community with a place to prepare and provide nourishing fellowship during planned events and repass. Members prepare and serve meals to bereaved families, prepare and serve meals and snacks during church events and keep the kitchen and its resources available for use by ministries as needed.
Garden Club Ministry
The Garden Club Ministry provides fellowship and learning among garden enthusiast who love the Lord. We impart knowledge and celebrate our love of all things that grow. The purpose is to beautify the sanctuary and our homes. Members keeping up the plantings around the church, continue projects that enhance the beautification of the church and provide seasonal decorations for the church and it’s grounds
Education Division
The Educational Division of Greenview First Baptist church is to religiously educate, train, and instruct members in the religion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Division consists of the Board of Christian Education and the Sunday School. Changes may be made at the discretion of the church.
- Christian Educational Ministry
The Board of Christian Education Ministry consists of seven members selected as follows:
- Chairman of the Deacon Board
- Sunday School Superintendent or Representative
- Chairperson of the Missionary Ministry
- Brotherhood Chairperson
- One person selected by the Pastor
- Two persons selected by the Church
Purpose: To develop a plan of Christian education to be presented at the annual church conference and coordinate all of the teaching/learning activities of the church, to support our mission (Matthew 28:19, 20) by making disciples for Jesus Christ.
Members strategically develop, plan and provide Christian Education training and opportunities working cooperatively with the Sunday School, so they will grow in the love and knowledge of our Lord and will be better prepared and equipped to teach others to know and love the Lord.
Bible Study Ministry
The purpose of the Bible Study Ministry is to continue to support the mission of making disciples for Jesus Christ by training and teaching the Body of Christ to teach other to know and love the Lord. The ministry includes General Bible Study and the Berean Bible Study are held on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
- Sunday School Ministry
The Purpose of the Sunday School is to provide for instruction in an open discussion of the Bible and biblical literature, teaching children and adults the belief that there is only one God who exists as the Holy Trinity; God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and how to live the way He wants us to live.
The ministry is composed of the Sunday School Superintendent, staff and pupils of six departments; Primary, Juniors, Intermediates, Young People, Young Adults and Adults.
Music Ministries
The purpose of the Music Ministry is to provide voice and instruments praise at Greenview to praise and glorify God, providing the best of blended worship with traditional hymns and contemporary praise and worship. The music committee is responsible for the general oversight of all music functions in the church. Membership is open to all interested parties of the appropriate age of the choir and members provide music at church services and music at specific programs and events
Current choirs include the Brotherhood Men’s Chorus, Judy Davis Children’s Choir, the Gospel Choir, the R A Brown Discoveries and Voices of Praise.
Usher Ministries
The purpose of the Usher Board Ministries is to make visitors and members of the church comfortable in all respects possible, make friends for the church, and lend spiritual manner to the church’s worship services. The Ushers have the mission to assist in the worship service by introducing the worshipper into the presence of the Lord and by maintaining order throughout the worship service.